印度漁民受惠於衛星遙測技術漁獲量成長逾五成印度Maharashtra邦Raigad縣沿海漁村漁民參與深獲孟買中央海洋漁業研究所(CMFRI)研究中心肯定,由印度農業研究委員會(ICAR)、海德拉巴市印度國家海洋資訊服務中心(INCOIS)、孟買塔塔諮商服務公司(TCS)共同推房屋貸款動的應用衛星遙測技術計畫,並利用該計畫分送漁會使用的13隻行動裝置接收漁場、暴風雨、風向、風速等即時資訊進行作業,漁獲量成長逾五成之多。參與計畫的漁村中有5%漁民使用衛星遙測技術,每年可望省下相當於483,465美元、50萬公升的漁船用油。現有13居酒屋個沿海漁村、總計1,296艘機動漁船參與該計畫,漁船每年用油量近867,752公升 。CMFRI表示,據漁民回報漁獲量增加四-五成,在海上的開銷及時間亦節省不少。( 摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 01/2012,16 Jan. 2012) MOBILES MEAN MONEY FOR INDIAN 辦公室出租FISHERMEN Fishermen of over a dozen coastal villages in Raigad district of Maharashtra have been catching 50% more in their nets ever since they began using mobile sets that provide satellite data and maps on prospective fishing 有巢氏房屋zones. Fishermen in these villages receive real-time maps and data about prospective fish schools, storms, wind direction and velocity directly on these sets. The sets were distributed under a pilot project being run by the Indian 租屋網Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services, Hyderabad and Tata Consultancy Service in Mumbai. According to sources from the Mumbai Research Centre of the Central Marine Fisheries 房屋買賣Research Institute (CMFRI), satellites are used to get precise data and maps about prospective fish zones, wind direction and wind velocity and weather conditions, which help the fishermen a lot. A total of 13 mobile sets have been 酒店兼職distributed to the village societies to disseminate the most up-todate information. Currently, 5% of the fishers in selected villages are using the technology, which in turn leads to a saving of 500,000 litres of diesel equal to 買房子around Rs 250 lakh (US$483 465) every year. At present, 1,296 motorised and mechanized boats are operating in the 13 coastal villages covered by the project, consuming approximately 867,752 litres of diesel per year. Fishermen have 當鋪reported a 40-50% increase in their catch, coupled with a reduction in the time they spend at sea and expenses, the CMFRI said.

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